Put Me Into AR

The Thyng Store has a special new feature for Thyng users. Certain Thyng Store experiences will feature full 3D animations of real-life people doing amazing feats – making a diving football catch, doing a backflip, climbing a skyscraper, and more! Thyng users will be able to put themselves into these incredible AR scenes and see themselves accomplishing these amazing feats – without ever having to do them in real life! Thyng users can double tap on AR experiences from the Thyng Store to see if they can “Put Me into the Scene”, and will receive a special activation code. When you find an activation code, you can then make an appointment using the schedule below to get scanned into AR at the Thyng office in Chicago – and you’ll be able to see yourself do amazing things in AR!

If you are having any issues booking or your preferred time slot is taken please contact us